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I think my rat is depressed...

21 17:20:17

My rat Aspen's cage mate died last night, and today Aspen has hardly moved. She won't eat anything, she won't drink water and her body is really cold.. This is my second rat that's died and both of their bodies got really cold right before they died.. I don't know if she is just really depressed of if she's sick... She's been laying in my shirt all day and i've been trying to keep her warm but nothing seems to help.. Is there anything i can do to help her?

Sounds like Aspen may be sick. What did the other rat die from?  When they are depressed from loss of their cagemate, they usually are not like she is.  They slowly start to become depressed, usually with their immune system becomeing weak from stress and they are more likely to catch an illness.  I am concerned that whatever your other rat had may have been passed to Aspen, which is why I asked what went  on with her.

She needs to be taken to a vet ASAP.  There are vets open 24 hrs a day that should see your rat. She probably needs fluids and antibiotics, possibly some oxygen and her body temp needs to be elevated so she needs to be place in a heated isolette.  If you need names of vets that treat rats properly, let me know your location  and I will gladly give you some names of good vets that reat rats.