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my two ratties

21 17:51:39

i have a rat called bailey and he is aged 1yr and a half and i have another rat who is a dumbo eared called bear whom is aged 12 weeks they both share a cage together and have been fine the last few weeks but bear has started picking fights with bailey and bailey doesn't want anything to do with it what should i do there usually ok and they love to groom each other iam confused?????

Hi Isabella;
Well, right now Bear is probably coming into his own regarding puberty and his hormones are swinging. As a result he's going to try and prove he's the dominant one. This will continue until Bailey decides he's had enough and knocks Bear on his butt. This is a totally normal part of rat behavior. Remember, the rule of thumb with rats is 'no blood, no foul'. As long as nobody is bleeding, leave them alone and let them figure it out. If you separate them now, they'll never be able to live together in harmony :)