Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > small scabby sores on our rats back

small scabby sores on our rats back

21 17:59:36

Our 1 1/2 year old female rat has developed small sores on its back. They
scab over and seem to be itchy. We gave her an antibiotic and it seemed to
almost clear up, but came back again toward the end of the treatment.
Another round of antibiotic has done nothing. She sleeps in a plastic igloo.
Could it be irritating her back when she goes in and out?

Hello Susan,
I don't think the igloo would do that much damage to her skin. Is the igloo too small for her?
Is the skin flakey as well? She could have mange mites and would need a dose of ivermectin.
Also, she could be having allergies to something. What type of bedding are you using? Ceder and pine cause serious reactions and fur loss in animals.
What type of antibiotic did you use the firt time?
Keep me updated on what's going on.