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teary eyes

21 17:10:19

I have had two female pet rats (Blue and Taupe) for about three months now. They are almost the same age & size and were purchased together from a local pet store. From the beginning they have been active and friendly and had nice shiny coats and clear eyes, but recently they both started occasionally having little red tears around one eye or the other, sometimes it is one rat, sometimes the other. Nothing has changed in terms of their care and they both seem perfectly healthy and normal otherwise. They always have fresh water and food (a mix called Living World Classic for Rats and some fruit or veggie every morning), and their cage is cleaned at least 2 times a week because it is in my living room (the litter is called Fresh and Comfy). Is it possible they are just grooming each other too roughly? They tend to gnaw around each others eyes... Please let me know what is wrong. Thank you.


Do me a favor and look over my website,  Refer to the page "bloody eyes and nose"  

Often, a rat owner fears their rats nose or eyes are bleeding when they have reddish discharge. This is called porphyrin and there are different causes for heavier than normal secretions.  Take a look at the photos and read the brief article I have on this topic, and let me know when your  done.  

Are the rats eating and grooming ok?  Is their diet low in protein as it should be? No cigarette smoke, candles, powders or sprays used around  them?   Do they have normal amounts of energy? I assume they are in a wire cage and not an aquarium ?