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rat dosage

21 17:02:08

I wrote u earlier asking about the dosage for my daughter's pet rat...I have the strength info u needed. The bottle label says "5 Baytril 100mg/ml(give 0.03cc orally twice daily)". Could u please help us with what the lifetime once-a-day high end dosage would be (rat's 256 grams, approx 6 months old) u know how this dosage works, can it be dangerous?

Our vet's unfamiliar with the lifetime dosage and we're frustrated since our rattie's improved for a longtime now yet we're still dosing her twice a day since we don't know the high-end daily dose.  We're also curious if u ever heard of any rats always having a ticking sound from their nose just when they're sniffing (our rat's always had this)? Thanks.

Heck I thought this was answered!!  

For starters, she needs to complete a 30 day schedule of twice a day and after that, 0.05 once a day for life. Its not dangerous. Higher doses of baytril are being used by exotic vets for chronic myco. Rats metabolize super fast. If she gets loose stools, give her dried oatmeal flakes, puffed rice and or puffed wheat to her diet to keep stools firm, and these foods can and should be added to the diet (I prefer a homemade mix as opposed to the garbage seed mixes out there)