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21 17:40:39

I have a roommate and one of her rats has an abscess on his neck and its real bad but we don't have any money for the vet we put some novasan on it and when we were doing that he got his nail caught in her sweater and ripped out his toe nail and i need to know what to do and what kind of antibiotic to give him and the dosage.

 Antibiotics aren't something you can just buy over the counter, you would have to see a veterinarian and have them prescribed.  For the abscess you'll have to clean it with antibacterial soap specifically for wounds (most drug stores carry it) and apply warm compresses to draw out the pus.  Even then it can still remain infected and even get worse unless the rat is given antibiotics.  For the toenail he should be just fine as long as the bleeding is under control.  If it is swollen or painful you can give him Ibuprofen (Children's Motrin) at a dose of 0.03mg / gram of his weight.  If you can get him to the vet I would definitely advise it, as abscesses can easily become fatal if left for too long, plus it is extremely uncomfortable for him.  Call around and see what vets charge for an exam; often an exam is no more than $30 since rats are usually examined quicker and antibiotics can run as low as $8.  If you mention cost is an issue they can help you figure something out.  I hope he gets better soon, good luck!