Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Goose is green

Goose is green

21 17:40:33

QUESTION: I have been taking care of my daughters rat for just a few weeks now, & now she's turning green. She is quite old & probably hasn't got long to go, but I was hoping you could tell me if her new green fur is because of something I may have fed her? I give her something different everyday, including fruits, veges, sometimes a bit of meat off a bone, & the favourites, little ratty nibbles from the pet shop.

ANSWER: Hi Shirley

How old is she, the best guesstimate if your not sure.  What foods has she been eating that is green or blue?  What color of fur does she have normally?

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QUESTION: I think Goose is around 3 yrs old now, possibly older but not by much. The foods I give her are cabbage, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, apple, & vitapet "berry & salad treats" from the supermarket. She also has the seeds mix as well which also has nuts in it. Goose is usually mostly white with a bit of grey. Her tail doesn't seem to be getting the green its just her fur. It started from the bottome & now its all over. When I let her out for a run around my room, she drags her back legs a bit & is getting real slow. She doesn't go to the top of her huge cage anymore, she just gets comfy on the bottom level now.

ANSWER: I need to see a picture of her.  I am thinking she has porphyrin smearing on her and it is mixing with her fur and possibly urine.

What does her normal color look like?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Her normal colour is white & grey. Mostly white. Im not sure how to post a picture. But I can get one to you if I knew how.

To post a photo, when your done here writing, scroll down and it will say  "Attach an Image" so click on that and it will take you to another screen and it will say Image File: with the BROWSE button which takes it to your own photos. Simply pick on your photo and give it any title and image description you want and click SEND!  Hope it works.