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Rat is sneezing

21 17:22:48

Hi, i just got a rat yesterday from petco. She is around four to five weeks. I know its young and they should be taken away from their moms at six weeks but i had to save her. She is going to be a companion for the rat I have, but right now she is living alone. the rat i just got is sneezing constantly, but only when i take her out over her cage. she sneezes about like four times in a row and will do that again and again. when she sneezes in her cage it is only one and rarely happens. she has care fresh bedding and we feed her kaytee forti-diet. As a treat we give her yogies. I am going to start to give her rice crispies, chocolate chips, dates, fruit and other goodies i find around the house that r ok for rats. She doesn't have any prophryin discharge from her eyes or nose.

She isnt too young to be taken from her mother. This is the ideal time, as baby rats can get pregnant at 6 weeks of age. I just got four boys a month ago who were 4 weeks old and are fine.

There are a few things that I see that need looked in to.  One is her diet. The diet your using is totally unfit for rats. Please read my website on proper diet. Seed mixes and high protein diets such as Kaytee brands are no good for any rat.

SHe is probably sneezing because she is nervous.  This usually goes away once they get used to their new home.

Please read my website about diet and other rat information to be sure she has a happy and healthy life. The better the diet, the longer they live.  rats that are fed a low protein, low fat diet live to be 3 years and older.