Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Protesting?


21 17:48:17

I love my rat to death, and I find it funny, that when I cuddle with him, or kiss him on the head, he makes a squeaking noise.  Is this protesting? Is he rejecting my love? lol.  
 Everytime I handle him, and pet him, he squeaks.  My question is, is he unhappy when I handle him, or is it just a normal gesture that a rat squeaks in response to affection?

 Generally if a rat doesn't like what you are doing they will try to get away, kick or scratch at you, or even nip.  If he seems happy otherwise and doesn't move away from your handling it is likely that he is just a whiny rat.  Some rats are very vocal or are more wussy than other rats and he may just be whining at you!  I have a female right now who is very whiny and every time I pick her up or hand-wrestle with her she will squeak loudly.  She also does it when my other rat plays with her even when they are not being rough.  If your rat is completely normal otherwise he is most likely the same way, just very whiny!

 Young rats are also much more vocal than adults, if he is a baby it may just be baby squeaks =)

 For more information on rat care please visit my website at  Good luck with your rat!