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Baytril dosage

21 17:58:20

QUESTION: Thanks for your disponibility and fast answers, I really appreciate it. Just one more question... My female rat has 360g and the vet prescribed Baytril Injectable and said to give her 0.3 ml twice a day. Is this a correct dosage to maintain during 21 or 30 days? The Baytril used is the same for dogs and cats (Baytril Injectable 2.5%)? He just filled the syringe and I didn't see the bottle...


ANSWER: Yes that is actually a high end dose for her weight which is fine. She is barely 1 lb  ( 457 grams is a pound, give or take a gram or two, my math stinks!!) Also baytril is all the same as far as what species takes it The injectable is lousy and bitter. Did he happen to add any flavoring to it?  We keep special flavorings at the clinic such as cherry or grape which makes it a bit more acceptable but not much. My rats drag their little faces on the ground when I have to dose them orally so I can imagine how gross it would be without the flavoring added.  Like I said before (I think I said....LOL...senior moment at 43 years old!) you can add it to vanilla ice cream or strawberry syrup (the yummy stuff you put on ice cream sundaes!) don't fret over it being sugary sweet. It wont hurt to give it to her just to use as a vehicle to mask the taste of a medication she needs to get well. I would refrain from sugar free stuff though. Thats just my own personal opinion though. I don't like sugar free stuff (don't trust it!) too many stories about it being a carcinogen (the sugar substitute) so I would rather use the real deal than the fake stuff.  Whats worse?   A little sugar that promotes obesity if used in higher quantities or a carcinogen?

I am paranoid bout stuff like that though.

Feel free to ask me as many questions as you want. Thats why I volunteered for this make myself available to help people with their rats. There just isn't enough professional people out there to care for rats which leaves the rat keeper feeling fearful for the rats health, frustrated because of the lack of care available out there and worried because they themselves are not sure if they are doing the right thing for their rat. It stinks. I wish more Vet students would consider exotics. There are plenty of people out there that own non traditional pets other than the common dog or cat.  

Oh well thats my rant for the day.

Hope she improves for you !!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The vet said she was fat, so to put her on a "diet". Which end dose do you recommend?

I'm a vet student and I'm really interested in exotic pets because I really know how bad is wanting a vet that really understands these animals, so, I'm really open to know more and more...


Fat?  How old is she?  Some of my bucks have weighed well past 850 grams and my Doe's all weighed anywhere from 288 grams (small dainty dumbo girl) to my largest, who was my Oreo girl that weighed in at a whopping 900 grams. Now THAT was FAT! She lived to be 3 years and 6 months and died from uterine prolapse and possible cancerous mass and she was bleeding profusely vaginally. We let her go while she was still under anesthesia. Despite her tubbiness, she lived LONG for a fatty patty.
As for the baytril,
I would say the lower dose should be about 0.20 or.25ml twice a day.  
How far are you in vet school? Pre vet or literally in vet school?  That is so great! I am past my prime to be a Vet but I know I have missed my calling and kick myself for it on a daily basis.