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Bi-Odor: Correct dosage for rats?

21 17:12:26

Hi.  I have three female rats that are seven months old.  I bought the Bi-Odor for ferrets to add to my rats 20 oz water bottle.  Do you know what the correct dosage would be?  

Please note:  I don't have the pump that came with the bottle.

Thanks so much!

There is no correct dosage for rats. You have a rat, not a ferret.  Please do NOT use this product intended for the use on ferrets on your pet rat.  Have you ever smelled a ferret compared to a rat?  No contest!  Ferrets have a scent gland much like a skunk, just not as obnoxious.  This product is made to eliminate that odor from their waste.  This is absolutely not approved for the use in pet rats nor is it necessary.  Feeding your rat the proper diet and using the proper litter (litter box training them is a good way to keep odors down) is all that is necessary to keeping odors from a caged mammal such as a rat down.  All caged animals will have some odor since they are kept among their own waste which is why it is vital to keep a rats cage and litter box clean.  However, they do not naturally emit an odor such as that of a ferret.  Please read my website, and refer to the diet page on proper nutrition.  Your girls should not have any odor that is even half as comparable to that of a ferrets musky odor.

Again, for anyone else reading this, never use any type of product like this that is intended for another species.  Rats are rodents, ferrets are weasles.  They have totally different needs.