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my rat keeps dying

21 16:56:39

I got my son a female rat.  Everything was going well.  But when I researched more online it said that rats are social creatures so at the very least do pairs or triplets.  So I went and got another rat.  The second rat died very quickly.  Sniffy started having a hard time breathing and then died.  I took it back to the pet store and got another.  This time a male(don't ask) and again all was going well.  This time I switched the pet bedding to Carefresh colors.  The food I am using is Higgins Nederlands Vita seed.  They are in an aquarium but have plans to get them a high rise.  But this morning again the second rat suddenly had trouble breathing and died.  What am I doing wrong? Is it the food? The bedding? I am getting very attached and am baffled as to what I am doing wrong. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Sounds like the pet store has a bad line of rats.  I suggest using a breeder. Texas is a pretty big state for hobby rat breeders and this way you can be sure that the rats you are getting are more healthy than pet store rats.   Also, please see my site, for all the health care info you need, including diet, which I suggest be changed. Rats dont need seed mixes nor are they good for them, although this has nothing to do with what is going on with them now.  Please see the info on Mycoplasmosis, which can cause respiratory problems...which is why I also suggest not getting more rats until you get a cage....and stick with males, two males from the same litter.  Females are very prone to mammary tumors unless spayed at an early age.   Also, check out the info I have on strep pneumoniae, which is found on the very last of the menu. I meant to put it in with the rat ailments but messed up and have been to lazy to go back.  This is a very fast moving disease that kills rats in 12 to 24 hours after onset and invades the lungs.  Let me know if you noticed the rats having any of these signs.   Also, where in Texas are you located?  I may be able to find breeders for you that have good reputations for healthy rats.  I drove 3 hours one way last year for my three boys from Charlotte NC to Augusta GA because the breeder is a good rat breeder.Its worth it, least you know more about where they come from.