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My rat is peeing blood

21 17:19:15

My rat, Katy, started peeing blood over 2 weeks ago.  We took her to the vets, and she was on medication(Enroflaxin) for 10 days.  We finished the treatment, but nothing has changed.  She is still eating, drinking, and interacting normally with our other rats, but I've noticed that the discolored/bloody urine has started to smell.  I check her multiple times throughout the day and sometimes it appears that she is no longer peeing blood, but it always comes back.  I'm worried that this could be an infection and it could begin to affect her kidneys.  I'm just curious as to what she has and how serious it is or how serious it could become.

Was a culture done on the urine?  Of course now that she was on baytril this may alter the results to a false reading.  Proper procedure is to test for bacteria and do a culture and sensitivity test to positively identify the pathogen right from the start.

Baytril is not the best antibiotic for urinary tract infection. Your vet must not be up to par in treating rats.  She needs to be put on Trimethoprim Sulfa.   If in three days there is no change, another drug should be given.  Rule of thumb is this: If an antibiotic is going to work it will do so once it peaks into the blood stream and starts to work on the bacteria to destroy it.  This all takes place starting within 12 hours and after 36 hrs there should be a significant change in the rats condition, if it is going to work, there will be positive signs. If its not going to work there will be no change. Any vet that tells you to give it "a few weeks" needs to get back to school and refresh his course on bacteriology.

If this drug doesnt work, the vet needs to look into the possibility of either urinary crystals, cysts or even a tumor, even kidney disease.  If she had kidney disease you would see her acting sick, however.  Usually they lose their appetite, become lethargic and start to drop weight sometimes at a drastic rate.  They also may drink more but urinate less.  If you notice any of these signs let me know.

Any time you see blood in the urine this means there is some disturbance. Irritation or infection is usually the cause. An odor like you are detecting is a definite sign of infection. She needs to be treated properly and put on the right medications.  Is your vet an exotic vet, a vet that sees exotics and pursued as a special interest, or just a general DVM that sees pocket pets along with dogs and cats?