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update on igor!

21 17:51:52

I emailed you a few days ago about Igor and his weight loss. I changed the type of bedding and the food that he has been eating.  He seemed to be doing better but today he has begun to have diarreha.  Buddy of course is seperate from him and seems unaffected.  Igor also looks fluffier than normal.  He is still eating and drinking though.  He is still active and wants to be out of the cage but we have been making him stay in it because we are not sure what is going on with him.

Hi Wendy

Igor may have loose stools from a change in his diet. What is he eating now?
He is probably stressing because he wants out of the cage to play see his "friend" and remember, stress can compromise the immune system and can also cause an existing illness to get worse or bring on a new illness. Appearing fluffier is also from stress and not feeling so hot.

I cant remember about vets and if you have one or need one but if so, let me know your zip code and I will find a good exotic vet for now or for the future for you and your critters.