Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > newborns


21 17:24:13

I bought Clover from a petstore on June 2. She was in a tank with 4 other females & 1 male. I was told that she was 2ms old when I got her. She is so sweet. This morning I found that she had given birth to 9 babies.. I am beside myself. Clover & my cat are great friends and I keep her in a cage that is always at arms length. She spends a lot of time with me. Now I have her in my bedroom with her new family but I am worried that she may get depressed & not tend to her babies. Should I keep her in the room w/me & my cat or isolate her..
I also need info. on how to tell the sex of the babies & when I can start holding them. Clover trusts me & lets me touch them but I wanna hold them!!

You can hold them as soon as she will let you hold them, but be aware that they do need to eat often, so just a little handling each day until they are more self sufficient and not nursing quite so often. If your cat ignores her, I would let her stay with you guys. If the cat harasses her and ever acts aggressive, you may want to put the rats in a different room. And never, under any circumstances, leave the cat & rat loose alone together. Ever.

Good luck with the babies.