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abused rattie

21 17:34:14

I recently obtained a rat that was suppose to be a feeder, and she was in decent health but I think she hasn't been treated well, she cowers away from humans, and act like everyone that touches her is/has beaten her, will she get over this fear eventually and forget it, or will it take alot of love to make her come over it, or what?

She probably was never abused, moreover she was simply never handled.. so she has no idea what to expect. Often I encounter rats in domestic litters by hobby breeders who behave this same way. Invest in some good tastey treats and begin trust-training her bit by bit, and remember to move slowly and confidently. Let her make the decisions on how quickly she wants to move and don't force her into anything.

For detailed instructions, I recommend writing Sandy Todd (also on this site) and asking her how to trust train your new rat. She is VERY good and has a wonderful explanation for it.

Good luck!