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21 17:29:12

I am breeding my pet rat and I am trying to do and experiment with Genetics! I am trying to hypothesize how the babies will come out! Like there Colors, fur texture, ears, etc. So here it is... My rat is a beige hooded rat and her parents were black hooded and grey and they threw quite a few agouti. The rat I am breeding her to is a dumbo rex! i was wondering what you think the babies may turn out to be??

 It's really difficult to tell what the babies will be unless you know their backgrounds a little better, which is why it is preferable to breed pedigreed rats.  I'll tell you what I can, but it will be difficult to predict exactly.

 Since the father is rex you will get around 50% rexes, and if the mother carries dumbo you will get about 50% dumbos as well.  If the mother does not carry dumbo you will get all standard eared.  I'm not sure what you meant by 'grey', but most people who say grey mean blue, but it is impossible for a grey and a black rat to have agouti babies since they do not carry it so perhaps the grey was some form of blue agouti (which can sometimes look like blue with brown tips).  If this is the case, your female will carry blue.  Since she is beige she will give all the babies one copy of the red eye dilution gene but since you didn't mention what color or marking the father is I can't really tell you much more!  If you let me know I can try to help you further.  I must suggest, however, that if you plan on breeding you study genetics a lot further and make sure you have homes lined up for potentially 15-20 babies.  On my website there is a basic overview of genetics ( and I can help you with any other genetics questions you have.  Good luck with your rats!