Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Hiccups?


21 17:35:01

I just bought two nine week old pointed siamese rexes the other day, both
male little mates. I've written to you before, concerning where to get rats,
these are from a breeder. Both look the same, and it's hard to tell them apart,
but I'm pretty sure the same one has had several "hiccuping" sessions. They
only last about 15 sec, and seem very much like hiccups, but he has them
very frequently. Three times in one day.  Is it common for rats to have
hiccups so often or am I just being paranoid?


Hi Rayna

Yep, just like humans, rats hiccup!  Its a spasmodic type motion they make while standing in one place but my rats have ignored them and ate a snack during hiccups etc....   We have had people claim their rat had seizures and brought the rat in, insisting we keep him till we see him have these seizures. The clinic had closed circuit cameras so we put the rat in plain view of the camera for the night and witnessed him with hiccups, but no seizures.  We showed the client the rat and she cried "YES YES! Thats it!! See? Is he epileptic?"   She feared for him and was so happy when we told her it was simply hiccups!!

Your not paranoid, just cautious, which is being a good rat owner!!  

Hope this helps!