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Tumor in the jaw?

21 17:35:00

QUESTION: A few weeks ago, my female rat who is two months shy of 3 years old, developed a lump on the right side of her mouth. She was eating very little and having a hard time drinking as well. There was a blood-like substance coming from her mouth and nose and would get all over her arms when she cleaned, and has a very foul odor. At first my vet thought it was an abscess tooth, gave her an antibiotic and Metacam for pain, and brought her in for an xray. He did not find anything but an abscess in her cheek which he drained and cleaned and the swelling seemed to go down. A day later I noticed the lump was still there, she was not eating at all, but was drinking plenty although she has to turn her face with the lump down to get anything down. When I took her in the second time, there was no abscess and the vet told me it may be a tumor in her jaw and he would not be able to perform surgery because A) The tissue could not be completely eliminated and would just come back, or B) would be grown into her jaw and removing it would damage her jaw and would pretty much be a death sentence.. When I first noticed the lump she weighed 330 grams, and after the second visit she weighs 287 grams. He gave her two quality weeks of life left.. What is your take on all of this? Have you ever seen this in rats before? Is there any hope or anything I can do to make it any better for her before she leaves me? I am unable to afford anymore vet visits and was hoping you could give me some pointers.

ANSWER: Hi Kellee

Is your vet an exotic vet?  Sounds like it. Has the tumor opened up at all?

Did he say if it was called zymbals gland tumor?

Has he tried steroids and pain medication?

Try giving her baby food for now....crushed water melon.  Also, check out my site and page on tumors, let me know if this is how it looked. Go all the way to the bottom of the page under Zymbals gland tumor and see if this is the location where your rats lump is.

Sometimes zymbals in on the side of the face like these rats are, but often they are lower, extending into the jaw where they can cause the jaw to be malformed, causing the rat the inability to eat. It is a nasty cancer in many cases, not just a simple tumor or abscess.  Is there a way you can call and ask the vet if this is what she has? If not, there is still hope.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the quick response.

I'm not sure if he is one of the 200 in the world you mentioned in your answer to another question, but I have seen many exotics go in and out of his office, on the label it says Craig D. Verwers, DVM Lic #5221. The tumor has not opened up and is not nearly as big as the pictures you directed me to. It isn't as close to her ear as shown, its more under her eye and very close to the corner of her mouth in her cheek. He did not mention any zymbals gland tumor. The only meds he gave me is Metacam which they described as the equivalent of tylenol for pets, and an antibiotic called Zeniquin for swelling and infection. I have recently discovered she will eat her favorite treat - reduced sugar fruit loops - if I crush them down to dust and mix it with hot water and milk as if it were oatmeal, but I was afraid it would not be very nutritious long term. Thanks for the suggestions. The vet is suppose to call me back about if he thinks it is zymbals or not - he is out to lunch right now.

ANSWER: He is not an exotic vet at all, just a vet that sees exotics. I still cant say that he doesnt know what he is doing, but the antibiotic could be a bit more aggressive. I prefer baytril, although he is using a more mild cousin of it now, its still not the same.

If he is not an exotic vet or has even gotten in deep about pet rats, he may not even be aware that a rat has this sebaceous  gland, the zymbals gland, or aware that it can be the culprit of an aggressive sarcoma.  He does realize that surgery would be devastating, esp if it is cancer, as this would spread it soon as air really hit it.  He could trim her teeth way back short for comfort if the jaw starts to shift, and you can of course puree her food, make her lab blocks wet, but you can offer her a variety of baby foods. Start with stage 2 and if she is not drinking much, stage 1 as well since it holds alot of water.  Her stools may get soft though. Offer her childrens pedialyte too if she isnt drinking.  Feed her anything soft but not thick like peanut butter.  at this point dont worry if she is eating too much melted ice cream etc...

Also, the metacam is nothing more than glorified advil, yes, its only for mild pain and swelling. I would ask if you can have narcotic pain medication to keep her comfortable. She can safely take Torbutrol/Torbugesic OR Buprenex.

If you want me to find another vet just to have his name, I will be happy to give you some names. How close are you to Dallas or Houston?

I wish I could help more.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your help, you are extremely knowledgeable. I am in Fort Worth, so Dallas is very close. Please do provide me with the vet information - I would feel more comfortable getting the medicine from them rather than my current vet.

You have been very helpful. Thank you!

I called the folks below but got disconnected but they said they could see her as soon as tomorrow. Of course they have no clue who "she" is, LOL....I was just checking up to make sure the info I have is updated about this place. They also have a sister clinic that they send exotics to but I did not get that far. Let me know if you contact them. Good luck!  I really hope this is NOT zymbals gland tumor and its just a common abscess. Has it ever broken open and oozed any pus?

Pepper Square Pet Clinic
14902 Preston Rd., Suite 608
Dallas, TX 75240