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prophylactic dose

21 17:06:21

First,I wanted to say thanks for replying to my question about prophylactic treatment for my rat Trepigne.
My vet tells me she has not heard of the possibility to treat as one high end dose per day.
Could you point some web site advising this treatment so that I can convince her it's the proper solution.  Because I'm convinces it is.
Also you asked for Zithromax. are there good reasons for which we should switch to that medication?


I would only switch to zithromax if baytril isnt working. There are only a handful of drugs that will work on the myco bacteria. Myco is an organism that has no cell wall. Antibiotics work to destroy the cell wall and when the organism lacks the cell wall, the medication is useless. Baytril and zithromax both will work on myco, destroying the cell of the bacteria.  This is why so many rats die from respiratory disease. The vet doesnt prescribe the right medications and the bacteria starts to cause chronic infection, causing lung scarring and other damage to the lungs. Proper treatment, from using the right dose of medication, and of course using the proper medication are important to treat it right.   As for high end dosing once a day, I cant tell you what website you can find this information. I did not get this info from any website, I was taught this by the Vets I have worked with.