Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Lumps.


21 17:18:16

Okay so I was changing my rat cage when I noticed that one of my rats looked very very skinny, so I picked her up and noticed that there was a grape size lump under her armpit. I turned her around and another smaller lump was under her other armpit. Is it a tumor? If so will it kill my rat?

You Can have these easily removed by a qualified vet.  The reason she is losing weight is due to the fact the tumor is vascular and robbing her body of nutrients.  She may eat like a hog but continue to get skinnier and this is bad for her vital organs.  check out my website for information on mammary tumors.  Yes, eventually it will claim her life if they are not removed.

look up the page on mammary tumors/tumors