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Rat Drooling

21 17:18:15

Hello. Our rat Neeva has had some health problems today. This morning we noticed that she was foaming a bit at the mouth, and was showing signs of choking. She had her ears back and flat and was doing a gagging motion. It went away eventually, but it has come back every time she eats anything. She still seems hungry, but doesn't seem to want to eat, knowing what it leads too. She has noticeable porphyrin around one eye and her nose, and seems very fatigued. She still enjoys our company and likes to sleep near us as opposed to in her cage, but overall does seem to lack energy. There have been no recent environmental changes, and we have not given her any food she is not already used to. We do have some left over baytril from a previous ear infection. Could she have some sort of stomach bug? Your advice? Thank you!

Sounds like she has something stuck in her airways - enough that she can breathe, but not eat. Can you get her to a vet and explain the situation? There are ways to dislodge an obstruction, but I don't recommend them unless you know for a fact that's the cause.