Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > scabs after tumar removal.

scabs after tumar removal.

21 17:57:36

hello im wondering if you may have any help for me. i have 2 sweet little girl rats that i bought around 8 months ago when they were around 6-8 weeks old from pet shop last week ruby had a tumor removed last week and has developed
massive scabs on her back there quite nasty and iv put some antiseptic cream on them the hair lifts up and there big wounds.. I DONT USE SHAVINGS or straw i use bio-catolet which is rodent friendly i disinfect cage 3-4 times per week and change litter every day hammocks are washed weekly
they don't eat junk and there cage is very big. i handle them every day and i can see rubys not herself.. please help. many thanks kitty

Hi Kitty!!

Just a few questions first:

What is her diet consist of? Is the protein high?
Does she scratch alot?
Where was the tumor located that was removed?
You said there are wounds, is there pus in them?
Is she on any medication at all and if so, what kind?
What kind of antiseptic cream are you using on her and does the vet know about this or are you treating this yourself?

I can help a little better with a little more light shed on the situation.

Please let me know during a follow up. Also I am sorry it took so long to get your question answered. It went into the "question pool" and was left unanswered until I noticed it.
One of our experts had to flee her home due to the fires in California and another of the rattie  experts is under the weather, so there are not many of us available right now.

I will try to advise you the best I can once I know a little more.

