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How can I make my rats more comfortable

21 17:48:17

QUESTION: All 4 of my female rats have had regular trips to the vets and courses of antibiotics(batryil) for red runny eyes and noses, rattling, wheezing and difficulty breathing. 1 of them actually collapsed in the vets due to lack of oxygen. Every time they seem to be getting better they just go back downhill again. I keep the cage clean (thoroughly cleaned out every other day and soiled bedding removed daily). They have a large well ventilated cage away from drafts with dust free wood shavings and shredded kitchen roll as bedding. The vet said the problem was probably something to do with mycoplasm (which I don't really understand much about even though I have done extensive research), the 1 who collapsed has very scarred lungs and she said I should prepare for the worst for all of them, a few months if they are lucky. I know someday I will probably have to consider PTS but none of them are even a year old yet. 2 of them have rattly, raspy breathing and runny nose and eyes all the time and sound in pain, the other 2 seem to just have the runny eyes and nose and the odd cough or wheeze. They are still all active and still eating and drinking. What can I do to make them more comfortable for their last few months? When should I say thats enough and let them go, I don't want them to suffer but I will only consider PTS if there is no other option. I can see them steadily going down hill and not coming back up.

ANSWER: Hi Stacey

Before I can really advise what can make them more comfortable, I need to know what medications they have been given. All I have seen so far you mention is baytril and there are so many other drugs that can be used in cases like this. I do not agree that it is all related to myco. Its possible they had a secondary infection caused from a weakened immune system from myco but not myco alone.

Please let me know what they have taken.

ALso, I have the perfect place for you to read about myco in a way you will understand. I wrote this for people that do not really understand the  way this all works and what can be done to help their rats live longer. Yours are too young to just PTS.  We will get this resolved..hand tight.

check this out:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: All they have been given is Baytril. Thank you for making me more positive about the situation, I guess I was just so worried about them not getting better I didnt see any positive solutions. What do you think could be causing the problem? Thank you.

If you read over my site about mycoplasmosis you will see that there are several treatments, especially if the infection has turned into a secondary infection and they have pneumonia.

One way to help a rat that has myco is to use a nebulizer. This gets the medication into the lungs better. Also, albuterol is also a good drug to use to help open the airways so the rats can breathe easier. The rat should truthfully be kept at the clinic during the first 48 hours of treatment so she can be on oxygen while the medications are starting to work.

Although valium has been known to actually supress breathing at times, it works a bit different in rats. In fact, it can help make a rat feel less anxious during respiratory distress, so liquid valium could be discussed with the vet also, esp for the rat that collapsed at the vets due to anxiety from the entire ordeal.

All of this is on my website so you can perhaps take notes so you can share with the vet...which leads me to the next question:  Is your vet an exotic vet that is board certified ?  If   you need one, let me know right away!