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Bloody eyes in my pet rat...

21 17:35:38

My cousin's pet rat is about three years old and has very mucus infested eyes. The mucus is red and looks like blood. I have been a rat owner for many years and know that rats are prone to outbreaks of mycroplasia but her bloody eyes don't seem to follow the symptoms. The rat, Anabelle, does not have a bloody nose and is not wheezing or sneezing. My cousin says the bloody eyes have been occuring for over a year. The fur around her eyes is also scratched off. She is eating regularly but is not very agile due to her age. We have been wiping her eyes with a warm wash cloth daily but cannot cut her nails because she squeals. My cousins mother is very hesistant about taking a pet rat to a vet. Although I do not agree with her, I was wondering if there were any at home remedies that might help. Also, if she were taken to the vet would anti-biotics be prescribed and are those okay for such an old rat? Thank you for your help my cousin is worried about her furry friend.


Porphyrin discharge of

It is called Porphyrin.  Please check my site and read up on what it is. It is not really blood, although it appears to be. Please tell me if this is what your seeing and let me know.

Also, I have rats that are 3.5 years old and yes, they can take antibiotics and be treated for illness and actually recover and live longer once they are allowed to get better from whatever ails them.
THere are no home remedies for a rat with active infection but if she has had porphyrin around her eyes for a year and is not  sick, that means she is just more prone to excessive production.  Is she eating and drinking and acting ok?  

Also please let me know your location and I can give you names of a good vet for rats.