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can i do anything for my rats life

21 17:34:24

Hi. I have two rats, Alphonse and Louis. They are around 1 year old. I have wrote to you before about a fat problem. Since you helped me, I put them on a diet, and they came back to normal weight! Thanks!
Now, I have another problem.
This morning, I found Louis with a very big amount of blood around his eyes and around his nose. When I picked him up, he was struggling to walk. He had no energy and kept falling. He was very rigid.
I think he had a stroke. Am I right?
I put him in a small cage (alone) and covered it with a blanket. I put chamomile in his water to lower his fever (if he has one)and i am hand feeding him. He seamed to have a little energy boost after i fed him. I didn't last for long.
Can I do anything else? Is there a remedy that could help? Does he have any chances of surviving?
Please, tell me all you know.
I love my rats and it would break my heart, and Alphonse's to continue without Lou.

I am so sorry your rat is sick.  The red stuff is not blood, but instead it is porphyrin.  Check my website to see the photos and read up about it.

However, your rat really truly needs antibiotics and this means a vet. I doubt it was a stroke. They become lethargic when they  have pneumonia even if they are not congested etc...

You need to get him to the vet right away or he may pass away.