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rat-o has cancer

21 17:21:57

dr. dielo just called me and said that the mass was a rare type of malignant tumor.  i don't remember the name.  then she was saying how it originates usually from the spleen or liver and he still has cancer cells in his body.  she talked about doing ultrasounds and x rays and all sorts of stuff or more surgery to try to remove the rest of the cancer cells.  i was and still am hysterically upset and will have to call her back later when i can actually listen to what she is saying.  i know it's hard for you to offer advice when you are not sure of the actual diagnosis or type of cancer....but do you have any thoughts or suggestions to share with me?  what sorts of questions should i ask her when i  call her back? and my other two rats are sneezing all of the rat-o has cancer and the other two might have some respiratory issues.  i am at a loss.  i don't know what to do.



I would ask her if its worth more surgery, to be honest, and let him live his life and let him be.  If he is doing fine, leave him alone.  Thats my honest opinion.  I have seen this, sorry to say, with my own rats as well, and spending what time he has left having invasive surgery that may not even work, or worse, may not survive it, its just not worth it, not if its that invasive.

That is my opinion, from the heart. He may live many more months but if you start messing around with surgery may shorten that time you could have had with him, when he was still feeling happy and had quality of life, if that makes sense.

I wish I knew something better to say,but this is one of my rare moments I have few words to say that seem worthy.

I am so sorry.