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how long should steroids take to start working?

21 17:19:46

Trencher has been given prednisone 1mg tablets, one a day,14 tabelts, which i have been crushing up with her baby food and also baytril. The vet says she definately thinks that it is a pituitary tumor from all the symptoms she has.

I was mainly wondering do you know how long it should take, if there were to be any improvement, for it to start showing in her??
To be perfectly honest she has been having them for only two days now but seems to be getting worse. She now has severe head tilt to the left side and when she is trying to walk now she wont stop circling and keeps falling on her left side as she is so tilted. Poor little girly :( She's still eating her baby food and is liking weetabix with soya milk a great deal but im not sure she's eating enough of it and the vet said she's lost a fair bit of weight and that the steroids may lead to a loss in muscle mass too. I just want to know how long i should give it and i really don't know how to decide if she needs to or indeed when to be euthanized? I just want to do the best by her because she seems so down. xx

They usually work immediately, if not, at least within a few hours.

I am sorry:(

I have to be honest with you. If she is getting worse, the tumor is getng bigger and ca useing more symptoms.

You asked about putting her down and here is my honest opinion from the heart:

She will let you know when she is ready. She is still wanting to eat. Does she try to groom herself at all?  

The fact is, she is trying...she is still trying to live, and she is not acting like she is in pain, just clumsy.  If she were laying in a corner, unresponsive to you and to her surroundings, thats when you know shes ready.  She will let you know and only you will know, not the vet, not me, nobody else but you.  

Do you know the life you see in her eyes? That glow that rats get that we love so much? Once they lose that glow, thats when you know its time.