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Male Rat Bed-wetting

21 17:44:01

QUESTION: I read your excellent answer about intact male bed-wetting. If I have my males neutered, might that eliminate the behavior?


It may, but sometimes if the rat does it just out of sheer laziness, (not feeling like getting out of bed to go)even neutering wont change things.  Neutering stops marking in most cases, however.

It also depends on the age of the rat, too. How old is he?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: THEY (two) are about five months old. I've often wondered why an animal would sleep in its own urine.

Because he is an animal. They have primitive thoughts. He doesnt know its waste from his kidneys. He could care less. Some rats dont want to be wet in their nest and they will get out and go, but others, they could give a rats.....well you know what I mean.

Your boys are still young.  My intact boys became litter box trained and pretty much took the extra minute to get out of their sleeping nest and use the litter box after puberty and more towards their older adult life, safe to say they were at least 12 months old.
My neutered boys were more picky about it and I have two boys that are pushing three and they stopped caring about using their litter box and now they sleep with turds and all.  Go figure!