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My rat was bleeding from ear and falling over.

21 17:21:44

Late last nite I noticed Frenchy, our pet rat shaking and falling over alot, I was up most of the nite with her to check on her and give her a carrot or two. When I checked on her very early in the morning she had dried blood around her left ear. She was still wobbly, but ate and drank as usual. Well, a few hours later she started bleeding very heavily from the same ear, bright red blood, and she passed away. I guess my question is this; what could have happened that took her so fast and caused her to bleed to death?

I am so sorry....sounds like she may have had a brain tumor possibly located in the  brainstem medially.  This would cause the head shaking and bleeding.  

Its only an educated guess though, and without a necropsy its not fair to say this is for sure, but it sure fits the description.  I am really sorry your lost her.  I know this isnt very comforting but if you have ever had a rat that gets sick and is sick for several months,  you will know what I mean.   Its almost better to lose them suddenly rather than watch them suffer for months or weeks.