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pet rat got attacked

21 17:22:03

I think my cat attacked my rat on the nose. My rat is breathing fast constantly and won't eat or drink anything. She walks slow and she even fell off her second story in the cage. Her front paws are bloody and I think its because she was touching her nose and her scratch under the nose. Please help she usually is happy and running around I am very worried. Thank you for helping me I appreciate it!


I think your rat is sick, but I dont think its from the cat. It sounds like your rat has porphyrin discharge around her nose. When she wipes her nose, it gets on her paws and she may even spread it from her paws to her fur on other parts of her body.  Can you see the scratch under the nose? Is it deep?
Does the red discharge around her nose look like these rats?

Scroll down to see my rat, who has a red nose from porphyrin discharge that looks like its blood.

This should not cause her to be off balance or cause poor appetite. You need to get her to try to eat something, even if you feed it to her yourself. Start with baby foods, any flavors, the first stage kind are best since there is alot of water in it.  Also, offer her watermelon mashed up to get some water into her little body.  

She needs a vet to be honest just in case she has an infection. If you need a good vet let me know and I will gladly give you names once I know where your located.

Hang in there!