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Are my rats ok?

21 17:22:03


I recently bought 2 female rats after reading as much as I could about rat care. They were quite young when I got them, I cant guess how old they are but they are not older then 4 months.

I just want to give a few details here before I ask my question:
I have a large cage with bars and plastic bottom. I use carefresh bedding only, I feed them lab blocks with occational treat such as regular cheerios, cherry and very rearly unsalted peanut.

My girls get along pretty well and they tackle groom each other frequently. But I am worried about them, particularly my black and white girl I call Sniffy.

Sniffy is rather skittish, She doesnt like being held much. She seems nervous a lot and jumps at noises. She does not fear my hand at all though, I pet her and feed her from my hand while she's inside the cage. I stroke her head and she licks my finger. When I approach the cage they both come running toward the cage door waiting for me to open it but she does not like to come out of it. She's also sneezing, quite a bit, and she'll "peep" randomly even when my other rat isnt tackle grooming her. Is my little Sniffy sick? She'll jump around ontop of her hide house and moves fast jumping around from one place to another. Is this a normal behavior in a female rat?

Her coat is clean, and she's eating, she has no red blood like fluid running from her eyes and nose, she does not seem to have trouble breathing, she doesnt breath heavy or fast (unless nervous about some noise) she makes occastional peeps when she's sleeping and teeth grinding noise (which I assume comes from her actually grinding her teeth) Couple days ago she had a sneeze fit where she was cleaning her nose and peep sneezing a lot I had just bought a gnawing ring I thought it might be to dusty so I removed it, she  hasnt had a sneeze attack since that,

Sorry for the long post but I am worried about my little lady.

Hi Johanna,

It sounds to me like she is okay, Skittish rats often take more time to hold than ones that are fine with it. Just take some time with her and slowly get her used to being held. Jumping at noises is also normal for rats. If she is eating and using the restroom regularly she should be okay,if she continues sneezing I would take her to the vet. As for her jumping around the cage, young rats will do this often, its just excitement.

Good luck
