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Rat sneezing; should I breed?

21 16:53:02

hello mam,
         i have two rats.female one was sneezing and was making a chattering noise.i began to give him ciprofloxacin,after 15 days chattering sound was gone but  she was still sneezing.i am using newspaper(non toxic ink) as bedding.she is 3 or 4 weeks old.there is no red discharge on nose or eyes and she is pretty much active and it mycoplasma?can i use azithromycin?i am giving her a small amount of malt based health drink with vitamin drops and puffed rice to eat.please help me?how i can cure my rat

Dear Debajyoti,

you need to bring your rat to the vet. Cipro is not appropriate for rats. Rats usually get Baytril (enrofloxacin) or Doxycycline, for myco; and Amoxicillin for a secondary infection.

Although a secondary infection is not always present, if it is, that is what kills the rat. So the best course is always start with amoxicillin, and if the rat does not seem well after three days, add Doxycycline. The course of doxycycline must be at the very least two weeks-- many vets say less, but often the rat becomes ill again. The amoxicillin is only good for two weeks, so that is how long you will use it.

Remember, even though the rat seems 100% healthy, you must complete the course of medication.

I did not notice whether your question said where you live; if you are in the U.S., the link below will tell you how to get these medications without prescription; in fact, it tells you everything you need to know about respiratory infections. The entire site is wonderful for everything you want to know about rats. It is written by Debbie Ducommun, who volunteers here as well. She is one of my mentors; people should write to her and not me! : ))


I have a real issue with the rats being 3-4 weeks old! They left their mom too early. How did that happen? You need to tell whoever you got them from, that that is too young. 4 weeks is a very bare minimum; they should really be with their mom until they are 5 weeks old.


Another issue: you have a male and female together. That means they will breed, and they will be able to in about 2 weeks. You should not breed them. Breeding rats is for serious, responsible breeders who have mentored from another good breeder. Pet store rats should also never be bred. They have not been bred themselves  for characteristics such as longevity, health, and temperament. Their lines have not been worked on to eliminate problems such as bone, heart, kidney, and other problems. If  a person wants a rat and does not want to rescue, they should try to find a serious breeder. When that is impossible, they will have to go to a pet store, where the rats -- still wonderful creatures, since they are rats - still should not be bred, because that perpetuates the inferior genetic qualities. Please do not breed these rats.

If you cannot find an exotics vet or a pocket pets vet, bring both a printout of Debbie's page, and of this answer because it is easier to read : ).

I wish your ratties the very best!

