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runny nose w/mucus (yellow)

21 17:41:33

My rat (Rickie Boobie) I know has bubble foot.  Im using  blu wound-kote and have made changes in his cage to help protect his foot now and hopefully keep it from getting worse.  Does this have anything to do w/ his runny nose?  I've been treating his foot for 2 days and it is just now starting w/ this yellow mucus.  What should I do? I need home remedies as much as possible, please.

 I'm afraid home remedies aren't going to cut it here.  Bumblefoot can very quickly become a serious problem that requires antibiotics and constant cleaning to cure, and if he is having discharge from his nose he either has a secondary infection or a separate respiratory infection.  He needs to see a vet as soon as you can for some proper care.  I hope he gets better soon, good luck!