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skin discoloration and depression

21 17:42:55

My hairless rat is about a year old. For the last week now his skin has started to become very brownish in spots. He also seems to be eating a lot less, and looks as if he is losing weight. He has also become less active. He seems sad, but nothing has changed. He gets a lot of attention and a very healthy diet. I am very worried, do you have any advice? These changes in him have come on slowly so i am yet to take him to the vet, but i think i should make an appointment. thank you

Hi Sonja

I am sorry for the long time to respond. This message was lost and I could not get to it. Thankfully I got it today.

It sounds like your rat has some buck grease. Is it located on his back?

Does he live alone? Does he still groom himself? Buck grease is caused by over production of the oil glands, often hormone related. You can rub him with olive oil and this will loosen it up or else bathe him and use a soft tooth brush and try to get it loosened up that way, but still use the olive oil to help loosen it up.

Your little man is not very old.  Being lethargic and losing weight can be linked to many illnesses, from an infection to heart or kidney problems.  I would bring him in and have the vet take a peek at him to be sure all is well.  Do you have a good exotic vet?