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Male Genital Pain

21 17:40:24

Hi Sandra,

I have two male rats that I got about two weeks ago. They are about 8 weeks old and mostly very healthy boys, but one of them has problems with his genital area because he is often licking himself there. It is also red and I think swollen. I haven't noticed any blood in his urine, nor have I noticed any secretions, although he often cleans it so I'm not sure if I would be able to tell. When he cleans it, he squeaks and sometimes squeaks when I hold him or when he wrestles with his brother. He is also walking slower than usual and he's a little apprehensive of coming out for playtime (which he normally can't wait to come out for). What do you think the problem is, and should I bring him to the vet?

Hi Lauren

Without seeing him I would have to say it could be a few things:

Penile plug, which is when mucus gets clogged in the penis and causes alot of pain, frantic licking and it needs removed. Some people do it themselves but due to possible damage to the tissue I dont suggest doing it.    

It could be a number of things to be honest and since I cannot examine him to say, I would see a vet.  Do you have a good exotics vet?