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Help my 2 week old baby rats have bugs on them!

21 17:37:28

I adopted my pregnant female rat from the pet store 4 weeks ago. She gave birth to 8 healthy babies 2 weeks ago. Their eyes just opened today. While we were holding them we noticed tiny black bugs and slightly larger red bugs crawling on them and the bedding. The red ones pop, and are filled with blood i assume. I have read a lot online about mites and lice and different ways to treat them. I work at an emergency vet hospital for dogs and cats, we do not have any vets that see rodents, but I do have access to ivermectin or revolution. Which do you recommend? How much should I give? And if I just dose the mom will it treat the babies since they are still nursing for the next 2 weeks?


Yikes tropical rat mites that are engorged. The little ba$tard$ parasites!!! I hate them most. I spend time popping those suckers and watching the blood from my rats splat and I yell TAKE THAT you nasty ectoparasite you! LOL! Tropical rat mites are black but turn red just like you saw, and appear larger, when they are engorged. THey also get on people but dont live on us, just annoy us and make us take even more pleasure popping them!!   These mites more than likely came inside your rats litter/bedding so I would freeze it for at least a full 24 hours or more before using it. Some people nuke it, but I freeze it which either way is ok just so the eggs die too.  As for which anti-parasite to use, I prefer revolution on adult rats but should NEVER be used on rats under 5 weeks old. That said, this means of course that ivermectin can be used.  It is safe for lactating does ONLY if the pups are 2 weeks and older and your correct to assume that you only dose mom since the ivermectin will get to the pups via breast milk. The pups should not be dosed separate.

Also in order not to stress mom, its best not to give it in the injectable form despite the directions below.

Doses are as follows: NOTE: You can apply topically behind the rats ear if you prefer. I wouldnt just in case the pups lick moms head!

Ivermectin 200 mcg/kg to 400 mcg/kg, Orally or SQ, repeat in 8-10 days  

Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg q7 days x 3 weeks; Orally or SQ

Ivomec:  100 mcg/lb to 200 mcg/lb , Orally or SQ, once a week for three weeks.