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What should I feed my rat

21 17:37:28

QUESTION: HI, I resently emailed you about my three rats having diarrhea,you suggested redusing their vegiesto help. What do you think I showed add in my rats diet to help their diarrhea.

ANSWER:   For diarrhea, adding things to their diet doesn't usually help.  Pretty much just keep their basic diet the same, and don't give them any treats or other foods for a while until the diarrhea gets better.  If it doesn't get better on its own in a week, you should take them to the vet just in case they have a digestive problem or internal parasites.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you!! They are alredy doing better!!
  I have had my rats for 3 months and they have been sneezing the past 2 weeks,their nose seems to be congested. I have been using a humidifier.  Is their anything else I could do to help that is natural because we can't afford a vet right now.

 I'm not too well-versed in holistic medicines, so I can't say for sure if there is anything else you can do; the humidifier is a good start, but without antibiotics they will not get better permanently.  If you can't afford a vet, you'll have to just keep doing what you're doing and make sure to avoid bringing in any outside germs that their weakened immune systems can't handle.  If you go to a pet store or anywhere else that has rats, make sure you wash your hands or even take a shower before handling your rats.  Hopefully they won't get too much worse before you can afford to take them in for proper medical care.  Good luck!