Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Pet Rat -- Ringworms

Pet Rat -- Ringworms

21 17:51:15

QUESTION: Had a rat that died 2 months ago from old age/myco. Friend "saved" a baby feeder rat (hooded) at pet store and gave to me since I obviously enjoyed having a rattie. Got another rat from the same pet store (larger, all white) once we "knew" he was a male to keep him company. Noticed the 2nd rat we got (white one) had a oval patch of hair looked like he was losing straight from the store. Didn't think much of it at first but noticed it spread and realized there were small dark specs visible in white fur (researched & decided it must be rodent lice)Treated both rats by giving them EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) baths (suggestion from website). Said to give once a week for 3 weeks but the 1st (hooded) rat died 2 days before his 3rd EVOO treatment. Not sure what happened but 2 days before he died his breathing got very labored, didn't move around much at all (very unlike himself) and quit eating/drinking (when I couldn't get him to eat/drink I knew he wouldn't hang on long):(
I continued with the last EVOO bath for the white seemed to take care of the dark specs and even the hair was growing back....but still traces of the ovals/circles (about 4 on back). Then I noticed a patch of dry skin on my chin (started using moisturizing lotion/hydrocortisone cream) which spread in a few places to the inside of my lower arms but instead of just being a dry patch it turned into areas of small, red circular patterns of a RASH (now I had something) husband's initial thought was RINGWORMS on ME!...over the course of a week it spread...started researching connection with pet rats and had a "V-8" moment when I learned they can transfer ringworms to humans especially with the pattern he had on his back! I went to the Med Center (places got awfully bad and the Lotromin cream wasn't helping). Doctor said was either ringworm with secondary infection or impetigo...prescribed antibiotics/creams. Looking better but will take 1-2 weeks they say. Now my question...feel so bad for my rat...not only has he lost his "friend" but now we can't handle him and I don't know how he's feeling (doesn't seem to be bothered with extreme itching or any additional patches of hair loss, haven't seen any sores...nothing new I can tell) Do I treat him with some Lotromin cream??? Is there anything I can do for him??? Can't afford a doctor bill for him too...but now I don't know what to do...can he be rid of ringworms without treatment...I certainly don't want to go through this again but I miss my pet rat and the bond we had started....Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated...Thanks!


Well what a mess huh?!  Sounds like the second rat died from secondary infection that turned into strep pneumonia (not the same as strep throat) They usually die within 12 to 24 hrs after being stricken. In order to save the rats life when they get this way they need prompt medical attention with aggressive antibiotic treatment.

As for your rat and ringworm, yes he can be treated over the counter. THe less you handle him, he will become depressed and the stress will weaken his immune system and he will end up sick, too.

If you had impetigo, that wasnt from the rat. Impetigo is a localized infection caused by staphs or strephs,and yes it can get nasty.

However, the ringworm is contagious as you know, from person to rat and back again.  You may know this too but if there are other readers out there that are not aware of this but ringworm is not a worm at all...the name is pretty dumb since there is nothing about a worm connected with it. Ringworm is like athletes foot of the skin, which is caused by a fungus.

You can treat the rat Micatin, Lotrimin,  Mycelex
Miconazole works very well as does Ketoconazole.  These are all found over the counter.

Hope this helps


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay, now we're down to treating my rat for ringworms...I have Lotrimin cream already so I'll start with that. Will it not hurt him if he ingests some of the cream while grooming himself? Do I just rub it into his skin really good? How often and for how long?? (Some websites I saw up to 4 weeks or longer??) Is there any way to tell when he's completely over will I know it's safe for both of us without transferring it again? (The only signs are the traces of circles/ovals I can still see. I've been using gloves when I do handle him and clean his cage but like I said if I can EVER get over this "mess" I certainly don't want to go through it again or have any family members catch it!) I am CERTAIN he had it when we got him--straight from the pet store. I know they are very "social" and I don't want him to become "stressed" that's why I've tried to handle him with gloves but it has been minimal...I don't want either of us to get worse.

P.S. You wouldn't believe the number of people who
    actually thought they were really WORMS!!!

    Thanks sooo much for your help!! It's really nice there
    is a service like yours for people who really care
    about their pets well being. :)

No it shouldnt hurt at all.  Rub it in very well and keep him busy for a bit so it absorbs.  You can wear gloves around him and long sleeves and change clothes when done and wash up to avoid re-infection.

If you want to compare photos of what ringworm is like on a rat, check out this picture here: