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abscess in ear

21 17:34:25

Hi Sandra!

You have helped me a lot in the past so I'm hoping for some more advice.
The problem is concerning a rat with an infection in the ear. It a neutered male rat who just turned 2 years, his name is Max.
He started getting sick 6 days ago, the symptoms were loss of balance and sneezing. I took him to the vet that diagnosed an inner ear infection and he proscribed baytril for the infection. At first he seemed to be improving but two days ago he took a turn to the worse. His right eye bulged out and became very unclear, his balance also worsened at this point. I took him to the vet once again (different vet, same clinic) he told me that Max had an abscess in his ear, he told me that the chance of recovery was less than 50 percent, the sight on his right eye will be permanently lost. The vet added to the medication so now Max is on baytril and metacam both administered once a day orally. He also gets eardrops (surolan vet.) and eyeointment (good DAK) three times a day. Does this sound like a reasonable treatment?

Max is clearly in pain and very uncomfortable (despite the painkiller). There is rather solid and bloody discharge in his one ear, I try to remove as much as I can. Is it cruel of me to let him fight like this? From Your experience does he have a chance to make a recovery?  


I always ask your vet a certified exotic vet or a general practice vet that sees exotics?  I see where you said your rat saw two vets at the same clinic which kind of answers my own question that they probably are not certified exotic vets since there are only a few hundred in the world and how lucky would anyone be to have not one but two in the same building!  LOL  

Also, he can certainly have something for pain that is better than metacam.  You rat should be on a narcotic pain medication and he can have it safely twice a day. I would insist on it from the vet. Torbutrol/Torbugesic should be given!
Also, he should also be on another antibiotic aside from baytril, he should be on keflex or cefadrops as well.  How does the vet know that he has an abscess in the ear?  The eye is known to bulge out even with a regular ear infection.  He is not on enough baytril either. Once a day is not enough, he should be on it twice a day.