Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > broken leg

broken leg

21 17:58:21


I was going to ask if rats can break bones but that would sound dumb of me since its obvious they can. On the flip side though, how would I know if my rat broke his back leg and how would it be treated, especially if the vet doesnt know and in this case, she prolly doesnt know.


Hi Tia

As you know, rats can break their bones in most parts of their body. I have treated a rat with a broken back before. He was old but he was a chronic climber and he was determined to climb even though he was elderly. His owner watched him drop down a 4 foot table landing on his back. At first he was going to be put down but the vet decided to try to save him since this boy was one mighty determined buck.
After months of a body wrap, steroids and pain medication (narcotic pain medication, not just metacam, which is the same as motrin or advil etc...)
If a limb is broken, a vet skilled with exotics and small mammals can operate, setting the limb in place, perhaps inserting a tiny pin in the leg to help it mend and heal.
Also, before you ask, yes, they can have little tiny casts put on too. This doesnt mean they leave it alone and don't chew it off, and believe it or not, most rats do leave the tiny cast alone, almost like they know its there to help them. Is there a reason you asked this question? Do you have  a reason for asking this question? Did your rat get hurt and you suspect he or she may have a fracture?
If so please elaborate so I can help guide you.


Sandra Todd