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Dumbo Rats

21 17:06:33

well first of all i use to have a fancy rat, and he loved to play in the bathtub with a little bit of water to swim in. I didn't ask anyone if that was another good way for him to have fun and exercise, but i did it anyways. so my question is, I have a dumbo rat now and i was wondering if i dont let her get water in her ears is it ok to let her play in the bathtub with a little bit of water, if i dry her off when she is done?

I have an easy solution to your problem! Go to my website, and refer to the page that takes you to GETTING STARTED. Check out the ideas on how to make a play area for your rat out of cardboard and how to put together a big play area for your rats with homemade toys etc.....  Rats love to play with YOU the most, but are curious and always busy, so keeping them interested is a MUST for your rats.