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Rat stomach problems

21 16:53:24

I have two blue hooded rats (brothers). They are about 6-8 weeks and still very small. Typically very active (run on wheel frequently). I recently separated them, so each have own cage (Lenny was too aggressive toward Blue). Last night, they were completely normal. I decided to mix there Reggie Rat food with the food the pet store was feeding them before I 'adopted' them (I know, I'm an idiot). This morning, both rats had extremely bloated stomachs and kept stretching out their back legs. They also kept twisting their rear quarters with tail to one side or the other. They were basically moving around by dragging themselves on their bellies with their arms. I'm very worried and pray they will overcome. Thanks, Greg

Hi Greg,

That sounds absolutely horrible! I spoke to a vet tech and she told me that it is either stomach upset from the food change, or they over ate because  they were alone. She said you need to take all poops out of the cage and then watch for poops. If they haven't pooped within six hours, they need to go to the vet. She wrote me at 11EST and you sent me your question at about 8 EST so figure they have to poop by 5 PM EST. If that would be just too late because of the weekend, then if they do not seem any better by the latest time they could go, bring them in then.

In the meantime, if they can eat offer them a little papaya, grapes, or yogurt; and if it does not hurt them, gently massage their whole bodies and their lower abdomens, to get their systems moving. And some Pepto Bismol can help, one drop per ounce of weight (reminder: 16 oz per pound), three times a day.

I put out the question to a few people, so if anyone else tells me anything else, I will amend this answer and you will get an email saying I did.

I wish them the very, very best of luck and a speedy recovery.



SECOND ANSWER another vet tech is more worried. She said it sounds like a very painful intestinal problem called megacolon, which occurs often in hooded rats who have a blaze (white spot on head) or unusual patches on the heads. So call the vet now and make an appointment for a few hours from now, and take them in if nothing changes.

As to separating them, if there was no blood they do not need to be separated, and they will be unhappy apart: