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Peeing on me!

21 18:00:06

My rat Bernie pees on me...a lot. Okay not like every time he is on me but it seems to be quite a lot. It also seems like he  does it on me on purpose. Does he just have good aim or is he trying to mark his daddy as his and his alone? (we do have another rat who belongs to my roommate). Is this some form of ownership? If not, why is he peeing on me? LOL. Thanks!

Male rats especially love to urinate on everything to mark it as theirs and let any other rats know that they have been there.  My rats would do the same thing, although it did seem to lessen a bit as they got older.  Sometimes getting them neutered can help a bit, though it's no guarantee.  I would suggest making sure that you are wearing an old t-shirt anytime you want to hold your pet, as he is likely to keep marking you as his daddy.
