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Change in Behavior

21 16:56:50

Hi Irene,

I have a dumbo rat who I have had for a year and a half but suspect that she is around 2 years old. She is the type of rat that is always running around, hiding, and never really enjoys being held for too long, unless you have food around. Lately I noticed that she has allowed me to touch her more, and I didn't really think anything of it besides "yay! shes letting me pet her more!"
But last night, I went to feed her and she was standing on a log-type-chewing toy that is also a hide-away, and when I opened the cage she could barely move and had to slide down off of it to get off. I got scared to I picked her up and she just laid there in my arms. She also has a really bad odor to her that I have only noticed yesterday that almost smells rotten. I also recently cleaned the cage so I don't think it was that. I have never smelt this before.
I then got a piece of food and sat down with her and she ate it, but only with me holding it for her, she wouldn't use her front legs.
Should I immediately be taking her to the Vet or should I wait to see if she will be getting better over time? I checked her over and she has no lumps, no trouble breathing, her eyes are fine and poops are solid. Also, when this happened it was around 11:00 p.m. and she had plently of sleep all day. Even if it is through the middle of the day she will still get up right away and scurry around.
I would love to hear back from you because shes my little girl and I love her dearly!

Thank you very much for your time.


NEVER ever hesitate when it comes to the health of pet rats.  I don't mean to scare you but if you love her dearly, RUSH to the vet asap!!

You may be aware that a normal life span for pet rats is about 2 years, but I just had one of mine put down due to tumors and she was 2 1/2 year, and a friend of mine has had rats live past 3 and even had one live til 4 years.  So don't panic, just take her right away.

There are plenty of conditions rats her age could have, some are treatable and some are not.  It is possible she could have heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, and so many other things.  The vet will know hopefully for sure, but make sure you try to find an exotic vet who has had plenty of experience with rats...ask questions before you go if you can.  If there is not one closeby, it is worth the trip if is is not too far.  However, if there is no exotic vet, try to at least find one that has some experience with small animals, and hopefully rats.

Just to inform you, rats are very stoic and are really good at masking symptoms of illness until they get really bad.  So it's possible your rat has been ill for a while and continued to eat and drink and play because that is normal.  So get her taken in quickly as possible.

Good luck and please let me know what happens...I hope it is good news that can be treated with medication.