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My Poor Little Karl :(

21 17:51:02

I have a hairless male rat named Karl, I'm not sure how old he is exactly because he was already big when I bought him. Yesterday he seemed fine, but tonight when I went to take him out of his cage, he was cold and hunched over, he IS eating now that I have him next to a heater, but he's hunched and his spine is sticking out, and he's having trouble walking.... I don't know what to do, I'm afraid he won't make it. His skin is alot more yellow/orange than usual, and he has little bumps all over him. No mites though. Any ideas?? Please help.

Hi Yvette

He needs to see a vet. It sounds like he has an infection which is why he is suffering from loss of body heat (not to mention he is without his fur coat) Hunched posture is a sure indicator the rat is pretty sick too. You need to try to get fluids in him using a dropper if needed. Even flavored water, just to tempt him to drink. You can buy childrens pedialyte to restore any loss minerals too. They often perk up a bit after this, but he still should be seen by a vet. The yellow orange color of his skin is telling me that his liver may be acting up.

If you need a vet that is educated with rat care, let me know your zip code and I will find one for you because he needs to be seen right away.
