Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Sores


21 17:36:10

My rat, Nigel, gets sores or scratches every now and then. Whenever I see them, they're scabbed and quickly go away. However, I noticed a bigger one, circular and about the size of a pea on his lower belly, a couple days ago. I looked deep and a little dirty, so I cleaned it out. Tonight it was open and bleeding. I don't know what to do to help him! I filled his cage with toilet paper to see if the litter was the problem, but I want to know if there is something else I can do.

 It could be several different things, from abscesses to an allergy to bites from parasites.  The one on his belly may have gotten infected, or it is simply just a deeper wound that may take longer to heal.  All you can do yourself is to keep the wound clean and allow it to heal on its own.  If you notice that it is getting worse, has a foul smell, is very hot to the touch, or is leaking pus or won't stop bleeding you should take him to the vet.  I hope he gets better soon, good luck!