Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My young rat

My young rat

21 17:24:24

I bought 2 pet rats from Pet-Co about 4 months ago when they were just very young. I'm assuming they are about 5 months old now. One of them has a dime sized tumor like thing on her face, just next to her nose. I have had 9 rats in the past and have all have lived over 2 years without getting a tumor. Do you think this could already be a tumor forming or maybe just an infection?


Sounds like an abscess.  Is there a scab or black spot on it? Is there an indentation or does it cave in a bit?   Try holding a warm compress on it and see if it comes to a head.  I bet my last dollar it will open and drain in no time for you and give your rat alot of relief.  If this occurs, clean it out with saline solution or plain warm water and cake on the neosporin ointment several times a day till it clears up.   

Key is to get it to open up first.  I am almost sure its not a tumor.  Do you have a photo you can attach to the next follow up message?