Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Petco/ratties


21 17:46:08

QUESTION: sorry if i'm e-mailing you too much,just want to be 100% sure for everything i'm getting for my coming-up ratties(:

i found a rat cage at Petco that looks almost the same as the Rat-sky-scraper from Martins Cages. here's a picture:

javascript:OpenWindow('', 420, 510, 'AlternateImages', 2);

and i was wondering, are the rats at Petco fedders or not? beacuse if they are feeders, then i should get them from a breeder or from the rescue center.

Thank You,


You can write a trillion times and I dont mind. This is what I do here so nobody can ever email me too much:)

Petco and feeders: Every store varies so you need to ask the store that you shop at if these rats are sold as feeders.  Often they are mixed with males and females together and this is one way to know they are being sold for snake food. So sad!!

I usually do suggest a rescue first, even checking craigs list, and if that falls through, try a breeder.  If all else fails, look for a pet store that sells same sex rats in one cage ONLY.  Petsmart is usually good about that.
Also, I cant see the photo of the cage. THe link is wrong?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: :( i saw rats like that at a other pet shop and i knew they were feeders, so sad!

Petco had males only, and they were larger males on a cage above, then smaller males in a cage below, but they were in tanks, witch worried me, can't the rats in the tanks at Petco get lung problems, so if i get one they will be a 50/50 chance of them being sick?
they were like 4-8 rats in each cage.

i can't get the picture on here, when i copy it, it just shows the name and number, i cant see the picture, but you might, so let me try.

PETCO Rat Manor Habitat
SKU: 1096214

SKU: 1096214

if you can't see it, sorry, it won't let me :O

Thank You Again!

javascript:OpenWindow('', 420, 510, 'AlternateImages', 2);

ANSWER: Have you checked my website about cages that are safe and unsafe?  

This cage (I looked at it, its nice but....) the level on the top is way to high. You can drop it down, hopefully, but if a rat lost is balance he would fall all the way to the middle level and really get hurt. If that level was a full level it would be perfect but it is just a small landing...this makes it a bit dangerous.

Check my website for cage pictures to see what is safe and not safe. This is based on literature concerning accidents and rats in specific cages which is why I did a little article on unsafe cages.

Here is the URL to it:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay. well it's just that, the Martins Cages, the Rat Skyscraper, it's $98.00, and i was trying to look for a big spacy cage, that's not that much. $80-$60 would be a good price :)can you help me?
what about those rats in the tanks at Petco? can't they get sick from being in there?

Thank You,

If they are exposed for a long time they could have respiratory infection but for a short period they should be ok. I would get them:)

Also, yes I can try to hunt for a cage too.  You can get the cage you showed me, just lower the top shelf down some, change things around, add some hammocks so they can act as nets etc....

How many rats are you putting in one cage, this way I know what to look for.