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skiddish rat

21 17:11:48

QUESTION: I purchased two rats from a pet store several months ago. I was misinformed that they were two females, but when I brought them home I discovered one was female and one male.
I decided to return the female (because she wasn't as calm or friendly as the male)and get another male (albino). Unfortunately, I was only able to bond with the original male and the other was just not willing to let me hold him. A few months ago the original male died (for no apparent reason might I add)and the remaining rat is only becoming more skittish and less willing to let me anywhere near him. I no longer have the time- or patience- to commit to socializing him (and I believe it might be too late even if I did) or getting him used to attention, so I'm wondering what the best course of action is. Is there anywhere that will take a domesticated rat with a not so friendly demeanor? He doesn't bite, he's just VERY skittish and squeaks incessantly when I try to pick him up.
Thank you for your time in advance

ANSWER: Dont try to  pick him up, at all....not yet anyhow.  He needs to trust you first which will take some time. You need a place for him to play that is all for him and for you to sit with him. Please refer to and refer to the page on how to trust train your scared    rat.  Also, check out GETTING STARTED. This page will teach you how to construct a play area for you and your rats that they are secure in.  

I get many letters from rat owners whose rats are just like yours and once they go over my website and learn how to get their rat to trust them, they write back telling me their rat is like a new rat.  It takes patience and time and alot of compassion.  I always tell people to put yourself in your rats place and see yourself from his or her eyes and this will give you a better understanding of what your rat thinks and feels.  Remember, they do not think like humans even though we think they do. LOL  They are smart, but not that advanced, or I may be wrong to be honest.  LOL  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I've owned many rats over the years and I've never encountered these problems before. Quite the opposite really. I've always been able to bond with them right away and in no time I had them climbing all over me and even cuddling with me. I guess I can give it another try but I'm going to school, I work, and I have two 6 month old basset hounds and a puggle too (the boy basset and puggle are my boyfriend's but they're practically mine as well)... So unfortunately they get most of my attention and Jay (my rat) gets left on the back-burner a bit. I'm going to try to get him to trust me but if I can't manage, what is a place I can contact about giving him to someone who can?

You can do a search on GOOGLE for rat rescues in your area.   To be honest though, if you give him up, he will never be trusting of humans and have to start all over again. This is not fair to him. I know you can do this, dont give up on him.  Set aside extra time for your rat, after all, you took him on as a pet, so its your responsibility to live up to that just like you do for your doggies!!  You can do this, I know you can, and once you bond with him you will never believe you almost thought of giving him up!